Why us?
Certified Master Inspector: Click here to learn about a CMI
6500+ inspections completed in the last 8 years
300 + hours of continuing education
Experience matters; Lived in 15 homes, flipped 10 and built 4
Reports have 150 to 200 + pictures and videos
We organize and schedule all inspections with the seller and other Realtors
400+ Positive reviews on Google, Facebook and Home Advisor
2 FREE Books to you on Maintenance & Energy-Home Safety
Same-Day reports
Always available to you after the inspection even next year
List of qualified area servers providers for repairs or improvements
$50 Gift Card for friends and family for clients/buyers
Referral program for clients only 3 = $50 and 6 = $100 to you, for clients only no Realtors
Easy to read reports
Partner in Hope Saint Jude Children's Hospital a portion of every inspection is donated monthly
We go above and beyond the Standards of Practice by inspecting detached structures, testing water pressure, water quality and test for gas leaks
Apollo Care plan you get 15% off repairs needed from the inspection
Licensed by the State of Ohio for home inspections
Mission Statement:
Our clients will receive the best service and the most thorough inspection at the best value.
We strive to ensure that you and your family will have a safe and healthy home to enjoy for many years to come, while also educating you how to improve and maintain your biggest investment.
Our clients will be educated throughout the process not only during the first call to us but during the inspection walk through and after the purchase of the home.
Our inspection scheduling process, going above and beyond the standards of a normal home inspection, the attention to detail, speed of report delivery, ease of reading the report & follow up will ensure you are more confident in your home purchase
A tremendous return on investment through education, information sharing & life-saving moments
-Good Eye Home Inspections