Gas line connectors do's & don'ts
Flexible (semi-rigid) appliance fuel connectors are typically used with cooking ranges and clothes dryers where the gas connection is...
Gas line connectors do's & don'ts
Sewer Lines which ones have a 95% chance of issues?
Pipe support sample picture is incorrect way
AAV= Air admittance valve
Sewer Pumps
Clean out's
Where does the poop go?
Gate Valves
Thermal expansion control
Water Pressure slow or low?
PEX what is this stuff?
Condensate air gap
Air Jordon Just Kidding Air Gap!
Leaky Leaky Pan !
Discharge TPRV and 13 requirements
TPRV= Temperature Pressure Relief Valves
Tankless Water Heaters
Correct Laundry pipe layout
Whirlpool / Jetted Tubs
Never skip a sewer scope