3-2-10 Rule
Chimneys should extend at least 2 feet higher than any portion of a building within 10 feet, but not less than 3 feet above the highest...
3-2-10 Rule
Fuel-Gas Vent Terminations
What really matters in a home inspections
Gas shut off valves
Check for smells when touring homes
Crawlspaces 99.99% are in need of multiple repairs
You are smoking something if you waive an inspection
AAV= Air admittance valve
Sewer Pumps
Clean out's
Todd Engle, CMI ​Certified Master Inspector (CMI)®
Ball Valves
Gate Valves
Water Pressure slow or low?
Pressure Regulator what to know
PEX what is this stuff?
Well is that good tasting water?
Leaky Leaky Pan !